Friday, June 15, 2012

Full Days

     Lot's of medical stuff going on. Joey's Daddy had knee replacement surgery Tuesday. Pretty big deal with him being 89 years old, but he came through it like a real trooper. That man's strength is amazing. It sure made for a long day for Joey. He was up by 3:30am  to pick Mom and Daddy Smith up by 5:30 to take them to the hospital for his scheduled surgery of 8:30. As it turned out, they weren't able to do the surgery until about 2pm ish. Then Joey stayed there with his Daddy through the night to make sure everything went ok. He's been at the hospital with him the greatest part of every day since. The way he honors his parents is just one of the many reasons I love that man. Daddy Smith is recovering well and is being moved to skilled nursing area of the hospital later today. God is Good!
     I had another appointment with my Rheumatoligist Tuesday. She gave me another steroid shot in my left hip bursa. Feels so much better now, but man o man those needles hurt like the devil going in! The last time I was in to see her she had given me a pile of information to read about some of the more aggressive treatments that are available for Rheumatoid Arthritis. The one that we decided on is called Methotrexate. It is actually a drug that is used for chemo-therapy, but has shown itself to be very effective for RA. I start giving myself the injections Saturday. We'll see how that all goes and I'll keep everyone posted. We were scared that it would be horribly expensive, but with insurance (thank you God) my co-pay was only $2.92. Two Dollars and Ninety Two Cents.... !!! Now That I can deal with, huh? Amazing!
     She ordered an ultra sound of my hands and wrists for Wednesday and I'll get the results on my next follow-up appointment. They managed to pull 6 vials of blood out of my cruddy veins. They need to do some more protein splitting and develop a base line for my liver function. The chemo type meds they are giving me can have an adverse affect on my liver so need to keep a close eye on it. They'll do a retake on my next visit. She also renewed my script for more physical therapy...yippy, skippy...
     Planning Lasagna feed for Father's Day. All the kids will be home with us. Not an easy feat with the weird work schedules they all have.

What I'm Reading:
"The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins (gotta see what all the buzz is

What I Just Read:
"This is a Soul: The Mission of Rick Hodes" by Marilyn Berger (The story of one person making a HUGE difference in Africa esp Mother Teresa's clinic in Ethiopia. This man is truly an inspiration. We, as Americans are SO blessed. There is a place at the back of the book that tells where people can send donations where the entire amount of gift goes to help his work unlike so many "nonprofit" charities.)

"Messages" by John Michael Hileman (Christian fiction, good read, page turner, adventure story)

"To Love Anew" (Sydney Cove Series #1) by Bonnie Leon (Interesting historical Christian fiction set in early 1800's London and then Australia with focus on the prison system. Good read. More focus on story instead of romance. My interest in history is higher than vicarious romance :-) )

What's On My Needles:
Still knitting hats for the Baptist Seaman's Charity. Using up yarn AND doing some good.

Quotes of The Day:
"Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul." Democritus

"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." Mother Teresa

Thanks for stopping by
Be Blessed!

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