Saturday, August 18, 2012

White Towels and Junk Stores

We moved the 5er Wednesday to the Hitching Post RV Park in Sinton, Texas. Everything went real smooth and Susan (the owner of the park) was awesome at helping us to get settled into a nice, shady spot. Can hardly believe we actually have trees and shade here. We are right off the highway here, and there is some road noise, but not much when we are inside. With temps in the hundreds we don't spend a whole lotta time outside anyway...sigh. We did do a little driving around today to see the lay of the land. The only grocery store here is Tiny, but we have to go into Corpus Christi a couple times a week anyway for my physical therapy. Next grocery trip needs to be to Sprouts (health food store) for some needed supplements and great produce department.
My final thoughts on Seabreeze RV Park in Portland, Texas: After having stayed there for one month we got a pretty good feel for what it was like.
We didn't have any rain while we were there so the calache (sp) roads and spots were Very dusty. With the constant wind it was in the air most the time. Can't imagine what it would be like when it does rain. Read one review of the park that said it turned into a slimy, slippery mess. I can believe it.
The view down in the bay section was awesome. Wonderful walking areas and great for puppy walking. We had NO interest in moving to the "Hill" or "Valley" areas where they had some meter/monthly rate sites. Those areas are Not for larger rigs (although they do squeeze them in there). We liked the convenience of being closer to the bay, fishing, pool, laundry, and office that being in the bay area gave us.
Just like most any park there were the rule breakers. People have restricted breed dogs, some off leashes, lack of poop picker-uppers (you Know who you are...grrrrr), people drive faster than the limit... you know: the usual. All in all though it was a great experience and we'll probably stay here again in the future. Only real possible negative is the constant wind. I'll  bet it's really something in the winter months. With the high temps we've had, it was kinda nice most the time.
So the place we are at now is a no frills kinda place, but rich in history and right where we need to be. Sinton is about halfway between Corpus and family in Sandia. We are going to be checking out some of the local towns history in the next few weeks and I'll be posting some pictures and hopefully interesting stories.
Something I figured out quite by accident is that if you put a white towel under your feet the freakin' little crazy ants won't bother you when you are sitting on the patio surrounded by the buggers. At least so far it's working...
Now for the Junk Stores here in Sinton: it's the weirdest thing ever. Here it is Saturday and over half of the wonderful looking shops downtown are closed! That's right, best day of the week to go junk store shopping and the darn things are shut up tight... go figure!

What I Just Finished Reading:
I must confess: I read the entire Hunger Games Trilogy... Still processing my thoughts/feeling on this one. Dark, very Dark. Can't get past the idea that I've read so much of it before. I guess a lot of the post-apocalyptic reads follow similar themes is all.
"Crazy Days in Big Lake" by Nick Russell (Nick's done another great job with his third book in his Big Lake series. Small town with lots of drama and laughs.)
What I'm Reading Now:
"Fasting and Eating for Health-A medical Doctor's program for conquering disease" (Makes a good argument for a more healthful program based on a vegan type (with variations on a Mediterranean diet theme) in order to turn our health issues around.)


  1. Never heard of the white towel thing before.

  2. Elaine thanks so much for sharing your adventures with us. It is so fun to read them and learn what you are up too. By the way, you aren't suppose to go junk store shopping. Remember you just had many yards sales to get rid of the stuff you already had.

    1. It's ok to look, isn't it cousin??? lol Actually, I'm looking for a small bookcase that will fit in our hall closet that I can use for a pantry. Out of all the stuff we got rid of nothing would have worked. Don't want to pay a bunch of money for something that is just going in the closet...soooo.... junk store shopping here I come! You ever find out who your univited quest was? That was too weird.
