Sunday, July 8, 2012


     Found a great organizer for my jewelry for the trailer. It had a double bonus in that it houses most (not my post earrings...sigh, but that's going to be another project) of my jewelry And it will display some of my other treasures ie family pictures. Marissa was going to sell this at her yard sale yesterday, but I grabbed it up before someone else did. She insisted that I pay almost the entire amount that she was asking for it... It was only today that Joey and I remembered that she still owes that exact amount. Hmmm gonna have to have a talk with that girl!
     Anyway this is the project of the day:
This is with the pictures added. I think it will hang nicely on the bedroom wall in the trailer. Will probably use command hooks and velcro fasteners to keep it from moving around on the wall and hold secure while we are traveling.

This is the inside. Such a cool idea, huh?

This is the pile of stuff that needs a home. The ice trays have worked pretty well to keep the earrings separate, but take up a lot of room that we just won't have in the trailer.  

This is the finished product. I'm very happy with the result.
Just need to get creative with the post earrings now. 

I'm off to find another project to do. The day is still young. I have a pile of broken dishes waiting for me. You won't believe what I'm going to do with

Quote For The Day:

"My mind is my garden, 
My thoughts are the seeds,
I can harvest flowers
I can harvest weeds." Elaine M. Smith

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