Time is passing quickly now. Craigslist is an amazing thing. Our 4th was very profitable. A nice lady bought our bed frame at almost our asking price and a young couple with an adorable little boy purchased our aquarium with fish last night. I loved both these items dearly, but it's a great feeling to know that we are helping others achieve the desires of their hearts while liquidating our cash for the fulfillment of Our dreams. It still "gets" me that a person will never come close to getting back what they pay for an item. Ouch! Just have to look at the depreciation as our having paid for the use of the items for X amount of time. There is pleasure in watching these people that have come into our lives as their eyes light up, and the excitement fills them. The little boy (3ish) was an excellent example of this. He caught sight of the "fishies" and couldn't break away from them. Brought back such awesome memories of when the grand kids were little and their little faces (and hands) would be glued to the side of the fish tank. And to think I used to complain about washing all those kid slobbers off the glass... HA.
We went to check out Seabreeze RV Park in Portland, Texas this morning for our holding place while we make the transfer from the sticks and bricks to the rv. The owners are friends of the in-laws, so of course we had to check it out. We're thinking this will do the trick just fine. It's on the bay, fishing pier, dog friendly, nice pool, laundry, everything looks clean and a generous pull through space with grassy area and picnic table. 50 amp full hook-ups, wifi and all for $200 per week. It wasn't one of those slab of concrete boring parks that so many flock to. Finding that's probably not really our style. For a quick over-nighter, maybe, but this place was more comfortable and friendly feeling. Not bad and still close enough to Corpus to be near the family and place we are moving out of. The other place we were looking at is right in town and doesn't have near as much to offer (except of course the lovely view of a cemetery next door....lol), and charges more for the convenience of being in town. Might be important for some, but we like being in nature. Seems like that's one of the main reasons for this change... getting back to nature.
The next big project I have to focus on (besides putting more items on Craigslist and getting ready for another yard sale) is all my paperwork. Have several boxes of paperwork/stuff/to shred items that I've been putting off. Getting my files down to a manageable size is not something I want to face, but I must. Now! Times a tickin'.
Books I Just Read:
"Floodgates: A Faye Longchamp Mystery" by Mary Anna Evans (ok, I know I said I wasn't going to read anymore books right now, but darn it....I'm weak. Wasn't as impressed with this one of hers though. Murder mystery/adventure set in aftermath Katrina New Orleans. Maybe I'm just getting burned out on her series, but I felt this one just didn't have the depth in her characters or story line that she had in her previous books.)
Quotes For The Day:
"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. Matthew 6:20 (I Know where my true treasures are!)
Video For The Day:
George Carlin talks about "Stuff" (Brilliant mind...considered offensive by some, but darn funny!)