Monday, February 20, 2012

We Pick Up Our New Home Today

In only 3 hours we will be picking up our new home. That sounds really weird! We will have to park it at the in-laws place as there is no room here in town to put it. I think that will work out pretty well as it will allow us the room/ability/access to do the few renovations we (I) have in mind before we actually start moving things into it. Right off the top we need to get the washer and dryer and probably the (UGLY & uncomfortable) hide-a-bed out of there. Will probably put them on Craigslist. Would like to turn the closet that they had the w/d in, into a coat closet with storage. Speaking of closets: I would really like to put cedar lining into the bedroom closet. Don't think it will be too expense or hard to do. I'll do some more research on what's involved...
Trying to decide on decor/colors to use. I REALLY don't like the bedroom stuff that's in there (besides it's used...eeeewwwww) so that will be out the door as well. Have been looking into rv mattresses and YES they do have sleep number beds for rv's, but oh my they do put a price tag on those suckers. Thinking we'll put that on the "wish" shelf right next to the roof mounted dish satellite. For now we'll probably just bag up the existing mattress and put a topper on it. As for the curtains and headboard; I'm so glad I'm handy with those kind of things. With my sewing machine and glue gun I can do anything...HA. I don't care for the mirrored closet doors and wonder if anyone has any ideas of what I could do with them? I'll post before and after pics as we go along.
It might seem strange to just buy something, then make all these renovations and changes, but 1) it's a used rv (in really good condition, but used none-the-less), 2) we don't plan on living in an rv, this is our long-term home so we want it cozy and livable, 3) I just like to do this kind of
As we set forth on this adventure, I am overwhelmed by all of the aspects that need to be considered. The myriad of decisions that have to be made make my head spin! There's no big hurry though, and I can take some time getting things together.
We'll take lots of pic's today, and I'll try to get them posted right away.
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." William Morris

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